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What's going on?

At the time of writing this blog, there is a small group of intellectual and financial elites that are meeting to make decisions that will influence the political, financial, and social changes of the next year and more. This group, known as the Bilderberg Group, has been meeting since 1954, and literally has always composed of the most significantly influential people of the world.

Now, most people in the United States are either blissfully unaware, or deny the existence of this group and it's influence and effects. If you mention organizations like The Council on Foreign Relations, or The Trilateral Commission, to anyone on the street or in any public forum, you are almost immediately accused of being a "Conspiracy Theorist" or "Crackpot Conspiracy Nut." And the truth is, these are simply ad hominim attacks on the individual to avoid the real argument at hand which is, "Why do we allow a group of globalist, collectivist, and elitist banksters and corporate thugs, rule our lives and our political and financial systems?"

This is the truly phenomenal thing about the majority. We are easily manipulated by following anything we're presented via "Mainstream" media and entertainment. That's the incredible thing, we are literally molding minds with the mediums such as Television, Movies, Books, Magazines, and especially Blogs and Podcasts. The beauty of the latter two, is that it isn't currently limited by any kind of government or global organization. Right now, you can post anything you want on the internet, as long as you're willing to pay for the domain name and hosting, to put whatever content on the internet you feel should be shared.

That's an incredible tool, and unfortunately, I think it's also being co-opted and controlled in small ways by the same group of people attempting to control the entire internet, and that currently control our "Mainstream" media. The reason I continue to use quotes around the word "Mainstream" is that, I think, in this current internet age we can finally move beyond a concept of mainstream, and finally allow information to be free.

Currently, several people use the web in a misanthropic, myopic way that is going to manipulate and control the thinking of several people. In fact, several people are even aware that they are being manipulated and controlled, and they seemingly don't care. Take, for instance, the current TSA controversy including several lawsuits being filed against TSA employees, and yet 95% of people travelling today, don't protest at all about the so-called "Naked Body Scanners" and invasive, unconstitutional, groping searches being conducted.

I've done several searches, and unfortunately, the "Mainstream" media and their co-horts, have been able to put their own spin on these things and in New Mexico, have managed to turn the situation around and make it seem that due to the problem of "mis-guided" or "poorly trained" security personnel, that the TSA now needs to step in and oversee all searches and security. It's scary that the vast majority of Americans are willing to blindly accept this kind of Orwellian control, and Big-Brother type of society. We are also increasing cameras, checkpoints, and biometrics including the use of implantable RFID locators that will literally keep track of you as you go through your day in the city you live, or wherever you go.

This is all not very far away. In fact, there was a news article about a family in Florida that was the first to be implanted with RFID chips. Now, I don't claim that we're all going to be tracked every moment of every day, and that there will be no freedom or livelihood, or that we'll become enslaved by the digital devices we love so much. However, there really isn't too much a stretch of the imagination that ends up at that scenario.

We can change it though. There is still a chance, because as long as we still have free information available on the internet, and we don't allow the politicians and "officials" to control the access to it, then people can wake up and force a change. I don't espouse that we need to become some sort of Anarchistic society, however, enabling individuals to be more involved in the issues that will utterly dominate our lives then we would all be better equipped to protect our liberty.

Let's not forget that the founders of this great country of ours had a significant disdain for the concept of big government, or government control over the lives and minds of all it's citizens. In fact, the Constitution is an anti-collectivist document. When reading all of the non-rhetorical statements in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you find that our founders essentially wanted to protect the rights and minds of all individuals and allow them to flourish by creating a safe environment for them to grow.

That may have been how our country was run and flourished through it's first century. However, it is quite obvious that beginning in the 20th Century, our government became hijacked by the mafia of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. The big banks and corporations were able to pass the Federal Reserve act, which created a central bank in America that is literally a private organization owned by banks.

The concept of a Central Bank, by the way, was propounded by the Communist Manifesto, along with a graduated income tax. Which was the next big change implemented by Wilson, in the 20's with the 17th Amendment, which was never properly ratified, but by that point it didn't matter because our government was finally fully hijacked by the Corporate/Banking Mafia. That's really what they are too, a mafia, a criminal organization operating as though they are legitimate.

A large portion of Americans don't even know these things. Because the most important events they ever notice are the Grammys, the Academy Awards, and the Superbowl. Welcome to the true epitome of George Orwell's 1984. We are being kept controlled through entertainment, and the government gets bigger and bigger, and expands it's control and dominion over the lives of every citizen. Everyone in the system thinks that it is still working, and that they're doing their part. However, due to the control and influence of the "Shadow Government" such as organizations like the CFR, UN, World Bank, IMF, and Bilderberg Group.

This is what needs to be essentially brought to bear, as the downfall of individualism. If you feel as though being controlled by the government is okay, then you obviously don't need to do anything. But we truly need to come together as the majority and speak out against these groups. No longer will we be condemned as "Conspiracy Theorists" because these groups operate entirely out in the open. They aren't even secretive about their agendas. It is their goal to turn the world in to "One World Government." They will eventually want more and more power and control over each individual, and eventually, the illusion of democracy and capitalism will break down, and more will realize that the true system is hegemonic dictatorship. With a president that is no more elected than Hussein or Jong-il.

The reality of the political system in the United States in the 21st century is that we have two political parties simply so the banksters and corporations can control who comes into office simply through finances. It will cost anyone hundreds of millions of dollars to run for president, and essentially it is a waste of money if you can't latch on to one of the major political parties. Look at Ralph Nader, he has attempted for years to run for president on the Green Party ticket, and spends millions of his own money, and through campaign contributions, and never can achieve more than 10% of the votes.

Unless we move to a new evolution in the political system, we cannot change this. I propose that we abolish the party system all together, and we create new regulations for the presidency. There should be reform in the ability for candidates to accept donations from corporations or individuals, because of that huge influence that corporations can have over a presidency that the average individual simply can't have.

This is why we aren't a true democracy, because even though everyone has a single vote. The people that run, are really already pre-selected by the corporate thugs and banksters in control. It's very simple, if I give you the option of shooting you in the leg or shooting you in the arm, either way I'm shooting you but you get the illusion of choice. Also, it's important to notice that the choice of not being shot isn't offered. That's a very concise analogy of our political system.

If we were to make these simple changes, and we could do more to make people politically active. We could see some real change in government. Right now, the vast majority of politicians are simply in it for fame, fortune, and most importantly, power. There are only a small few that actually seek to make the country, and the world, a better place. However, there is only so much the small minority can do against a huge group of thugs that are backed, and financed, by the corporate mafia. Wall Street, Corporate America, and the "Big Brother" Banks.

This is why our country has gone into decline. We currently have a national debt over $16 trillion. It's almost impossible for any person to imagine this amount of money. At a population of around 310 million, that's over $47,000 for every man, woman, and child. This is phenomenally large, and we will never be able to pay it back. There is no way we will ever be able to pay it back either, because you can't make money from borrowing money.

There has to be a change, a major change in our way of doing things. We can do this, and we can change, and we can evolve. It just takes more people. Tell everyone you know, and even though they may not like it, if they're your friends or family, they'll listen for at least a time. Some of them may even decide to do more. That's how it starts. We need a second American Revolution, and we can make it happen with the internet, blogs, and podcasts. We can't give up, because once you lose your freedoms and rights, they'll never return.

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