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Please call your Senator today!

Please people, this is SOOOOO important.

Call your State's US Senate representative today.

Dear Patriot,

The Senate will hold a critical cloture vote on renewing the Patriot Act at 5 pm eastern today, and only the immediate action of C4L members and other true patriots nationwide will put a halt to the ever-expanding surveillance state and save the Fourth Amendment from being pushed further into the shredder.

Contact Sen. Maria Cantwell by phone at (202) 224-3441 and Sen. Patty Murray by phone at (202) 224-2621 to demand they vote against renewing the “Patriot” Act on every vote – including each cloture vote.

On Friday, May 27, three provisions of the misnamed “Patriot” Act are set to expire.

In clear violation of their oaths to uphold the Constitution, the statists in Washington, D.C. are determined not to let that happen.

You see, last week, the House GOP, under the leadership of John Boehner and Eric Cantor (who are turning their backs on the limited government mandate they claimed to support in November 2010), cut yet another deal with Harry Reid – this time to extend the “Patriot” Act for four more years with as little debate as possible!

A four-year extension “conveniently” puts the next renewal vote in 2015 – a non-election year when our brave politicians won’t have to answer for their actions at the polls.

Empowered by the Republicans’ collapse on civil liberties, Harry Reid filed cloture last Thursday.

Don’t accept the statists’ pathetic excuses for one minute – a vote for “cloture” today is a vote FOR the Fourth Amendment-shredding “Patriot” Act.

Please don’t miss this point – if cloture (allowing for the bill to be debated and voted on) fails each and every time he tries it, Harry Reid CANNOT extend the “Patriot” Act.


But your senators are used to skating through on cloture votes and claiming that they are just harmless “procedure.”

Fellow Patriot, if you don’t turn up the heat on them today, they’ll say they didn’t hear from their constituents about a “procedural” vote – even one that enabled Reid to get everything he wanted with a simple majority vote on final passage.

Your phone calls today will keep that story from being true. You’ll be able to hold them accountable because you told them before the vote EXACTLY what they were going to do to the Constitution.

They need to know – TODAY – that the freedom movement is alive, well, and finished with watching them destroy our liberties.

That’s why your immediate action is needed!

Contact Sen. Maria Cantwell by phone at (202) 224-3441 and Sen. Patty Murray by phone at (202) 224-2621 to demand they vote against renewing the “Patriot” Act on every vote – including each cloture vote.

Reid’s bill is essentially the same bill the Senate and President were trying to rush through Congress without any debate in February - before Rand Paul and C4L members forced them to agree to a 90-day extension.

For ten long years, Americans have been given a false choice by their representatives and senators between trading some of their liberties for so-called “security” and experiencing a new 9/11- style terrorist attack.

This viewpoint was as apparent as ever during the House Judiciary Committee’s final “Patriot” Act hearing, where your pressure ensured C4L was heard in front of Congress.

The problem for our politicians, and in fact for all Americans who feel “safer” after trading some of their liberties, is that 9/11 didn’t occur because of a failure to gather useable intelligence. Rather, it occurred because of the bureaucrats’ failure to use the intelligence that had been gathered.

This is typical of the federal government. Whenever it fails to do its jobs properly, its solution is to throw more money at the problem and grab more power.

The abominable acts that occurred on 9/11 were unjustifiable, but we cannot allow the White House and Congress to destroy the rights and liberties that made this nation great!

Contact Sen. Maria Cantwell by phone at (202) 224-3441 and Sen. Patty Murray by phone at (202) 224-2621 to demand they vote against renewing the “Patriot” Act on every vote – including each cloture vote.

Campaign for Liberty has done everything we can to make our position clear to the politicians on Capitol Hill. Now it’s up to grassroots activists like you to make your voices heard and turn up the heat.

Politics really is just a game of numbers. Will your call be the one that changes your senators’ vote from “YEA” to “NAY”?

Please, help C4L restore our civil liberties and roll back the surveillance state by taking just a few minutes out of your day to call your senators.

Remember Benjamin Franklin’s wise words, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

The choice whether or not to continue giving up essential Liberty is ours to make today.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. My staff and I have spent countless hours doing what we can to fight the so-called “Patriot” Act over the last three months. If you are able, please consider chipping in $10 to help C4L continue fighting for the restoration of our liberties.

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Happy birthday pops.

So the reason I've been so quiet lately is due to computer problems. I had two computers crap out on me almost completely.

I've also been on the road the last few days. My lovely wife and I are in San Diego visiting my family.

We're having a great time. I got to see my cousin Chuck Lancey race his badass Chevelle at the Barona Drag strip.

I plan on releasing a whole lot of new material next week when I get back. I will be getting my new Mac up and running and get everything I've recorded lately posted on the site and on iTunes.

I have been recording a few podcasts by myself here and there. If you want to hear more from me, you should tweet me @Polymatheism or send me an email at

I'm always thankful for all the listeners so far, and the listeners to come.

Tune in next week, for my new blogs and my new podcasts about lots of new topics. If you've been paying attention to the news, there have been a lot of new developments for me to talk about.

The Governator has a lovechild. The 4th Amendment has been revoked. The Obama Long Form is a fake. And lots, lots more.



Epic Fail :(

Hey everybody, I just wanted to give an explanation and apology as to why it is I haven't been on the air lately with Polymatheism. It's been a tough 9 days since I last posted a podcast, and the last two have been the worst. First of all, I started off having trouble getting on air because I couldn't get a guest/co-host. Skyler has apparently been so busy with work and things in his life that we haven't even been able to talk in more than a week. Which is, in itself, pretty unusual for us.

I've also tried talking to some of my other friends, but some have had major hardships in their lives, and others are just plain swamped with their work and personal lives. Which I totally understand. But it makes it hard on me, because I don't want to have a one sided podcast, with just me and only my points of view. I like to have a well-rounded podcast, and I'd like to think that Polymatheism and Polymathy both represent well-roundedness whole-heartedly.

However, due to this difficulty in lining up a guest, I also put off making a podcast so long that I shot myself in the foot. Two days ago, while I started working on changing my computer systems up some, I had two Catastrophic failures almost simultaneously (which is pretty weird if you think about it.) Both my Laptop DVD drive, and a RAM stick in my desktop failed at almost the same time. While I was trying to reinstall the OS on the laptop, I was having trouble getting it to boot from the disc. At about the same time, I was restarting my desktop and it began to hang immediately on the BIOS screen.

This was weird, and I thought it may have been due to one of the DVD's in the disc drives, so I removed them, nope. Then I thought it might be RAM, I swapped out all of my RAM to reseat them, and tried again. No dice. Then, I tried just pulling out a couple of the sticks, then it was able to boot. So I figured out that it was one of those two, it's simple trial and error to get the one right.

Then, after I was done dealing with that, I began to try getting the laptop to boot from USB. So I built a USB boot drive, and loaded it up, and it said that it couldn't find a boot file. But when I'd load the same USB on the desktop, it'd load just fine. So I was starting to get frustrated here, when I figured it out, that the computer must be having some catastrophic failure in components. I realized this further and more evidently when after some more time; upon boot, after the BIOS screen, it would just hang on a flashing cursor.

That's it folks, dunzo as my friends would say. Finito. My laptop is no more, and it was going to be my HacBook Pro. Shit, now I have to buy a real Apple. Oh darn...

Anyway, I'm almost back up and running, and I look forward to bringing you guys my first Solo Full-Length podcast.

Stay tuned, because it will be released today at some point, and it will be immediately available on iTunes, Stitcher and feedburner (




Tacoma Prop 1 (Lowest Possible Enforcement Priority)

I was graciously invited to a meeting today to help Sensible Tacoma with their Proposition to make Cannabis the lowest possible enforcement priority.

I want to start by thanking everyone that showed up, and Sherry from Express Printing, for organizing.

I can't tell you the exact amount of signatures gathered thus far. For many reasons, the least of which being that we need more. However, I can tell you, that this is a very important issue, and even non-Cannabis users should be concerned with it.

We need about 5,500 signatures, and we only have a little more than 6 weeks to do it. So we need to make a call-to-arms. Citizens of Tacoma, if you are interested in protecting our civil rights, and making a stand for the patients of medical Cannabis, then we need your help.

Please contact us in any way you can if you would like to make donations or help gather signatures, I can be reached at and I'd be glad to put you in touch with the right people.

Now, we need to gather lots of signatures, and it can only be signed by registered voters living inside Tacoma City limits. So, if you qualify, please get in touch with me, and I'll tell you more about how you can sign the petition.

Thanks again, and I hope to be back on the air soon. I have been having trouble lining up a guest, and I'm not sure I'm ready to fly solo yet. However, I will be making a new podcast soon, so please check it out at



A Civics Lesson

Many of the citizens of this great nation of ours don't even know some of the most basic tenets and principles of our country and the laws that were created by the most glorious of documents, the US Constitution.

I can tell you from anecdotal experience, that several of the people in the United States don't even know some of the most basic facts about our Civic Government and what their roles and capacities are, at the Federal, State, and Local level.

The point of this blog has always been to share information, and I feel that I have a pretty balanced view. While I am an atheist, I feel that I have a close connection to theists, and I never judge based on that kind of thing anyway. (I try not to judge anyone at all, but I am human.)

Incredibly, when polled, nearly 60% of Americans can't even name the three branches of government and/or their capacity.

For the record, these are the Legislative (Congress), Executive (President and his Cabinet), and Judicial (Supreme Court). Their capacities, respectively, are to Create, Execute, and Interpret the laws of the US Government, and thusly have a balance of power. Now this balance of power comes in the form that each has equal power to veto one another.

However, the president, through the use of Signing Statements, is allowed to literally bypass, and thus violate, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

This may seem counterintuitive and even wrong to some, and it should, that's because it is. It is also entirely illegal and a violation of the oaths taken as Congressperson or President.

Their oaths are to uphold the Constitution, not to violate it, and literally make a mockery of our entire system of government.

The American public need to wake up ,and address this issue in the current administration and former administrations. Obama promised before he was elected, never to use a Signing Statement, to violate the Constitution, he himself said that using such an Order did so. Then, he himself issued several Signing Statements that do so.

In some, he simply suggests that certain portions of laws aren't in line with the views of his administration. For instance, on HR 146, President Obama issued a signing statement saying that the appointment of members of a certain commission, relating to Nature and Wildlife, would be made by the Secretary of the Interior, and that recommendations could be made by the members of the House, however the Secretary wouldn't be bound by these recommendations.

This is simply political bootlicking essentially, and he's taking a portion of the law, and telling them differently, however there are more egregious Signing Statements as well. Take, for instance, S. 386, whereby Congress passed a law requiring all governmental bodies to furnish their Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, a Legislative body, with any and all information necessary for the Commission inquiry.

However, President Obama issued a Signing Statement that "abrogated any constitutional privilege", otherwise saying that they aren't responsible to comply with this subsection of the law.

How does this not directly violate the Constitution? President Obama was a professor for 10 years, of Constitutional Law. He knows better.

This is simply a matter of one simple example of how the Obama administration is no different from the Bush administration. They serve the same masters, the banks and the Wall St. hustlers that manipulate, lie, and steal from the American people, and use unconstitutional means of stealing Liberty from each and every one of us.

We should not, and can not stand for this usurpation of our Constitutional liberties afforded us in the Bill of Rights. We need to re-assert State's Sovereignty, and take back the Bill of Rights for each and every one of us.

It's very important that I point out, that I am not a Republican or a Democrat, I'm completely independent and the only party that I tend to agree with is the TEA party, because of their Libertarian views. However, I believe we should abolish the party system so that we can restore Civic involvement and education to the average American.

We should all be politically informed and active. Because it is every Americans duty to protect the Constitution and our Liberty. These are of the utmost importance, and we must reclaim our rights, because we are ultimately responsible for them. If we don't stand up for them, we will lose them, and once they're gone, you'll never get them back.

And we can do it by the way. As a friend of mine once said "I've been doing so much, with so little, for so long, that I could do damn near anything, with almost nothing at all."

That philosophy is one I stand by, and each and every one of us can do it. It just takes getting involved at your local level. Start in your local neighborhood. Go around, meet your neighbors, and talk to them about how they feel about their security and rights as an American in 2011. Do they think that they've improved or declined in the last 3 years. Then ask them why they think that is.

Also, remember, the two party system is essentially a political Dog & Pony show, that is no different than professional Wrestling or UFC. They are just two "Enemies" that give you the illusion of choice. A pre-conceived "Rivalry" that motivates individuals based on the "Go Team" mentality.

This is just a tool used to manipulate the masses into submission through basically media "political brainwashing." If you take a close look at the mainstream media, you will find that there is almost always consensus, there are never two sides to any story. There is literally one view, and it is shared by both sides. Never is there an alternate theory, or if there is, it is promoted by so-called "Conspiracy Theorists."

I, myself, don't call myself, or feel that I am, a "Conspiracy Theorist." Because, I am first, and foremost, a skeptic. It is a motto that I live by, that I first ask questions, and examine the answers given with a critical eye.

In writing this blog, I viewed sources about Signing Statements that were entirely opinion based, and you can find views that support, and others that supplant, the Signing Statements issued by Obama. As some will show, there are certain Signing Statements that are "legitimate." However, they almost entirely leave out the Signing Statements where Obama directly violates the Constitution. I can't view these to be anything more than blind supporters, that will defend; to the death, President Obama and their political party.

This is exactly why we need to abolish the party system. So that real choice can be introduced to the Presidential election. It will be "Election rather than Selection" to paraphrase president Truman.

This is a very difficult subject for me to write about. Honestly, it curdles my blood, and turns my veins cold like ice, due to this vagrant manipulation, and blatant usurpation of the American people's Constitutional rights.

Everyone should get informed, and get involved.

Thanks for reading, and please subscribe to the podcast in iTunes by visiting our feedburner at



Medical Cannabis Strain of the Day (Lemon Sour Diesel) 5/9/11

I just want to give a warning right now, that this strain may not be available in large amounts right now. But, it is frequently available at Tacoma Cross, and if you want to get some, you should contact them at 253-627-1377 or

I would like to start by saying, that this strain has always been one of my favorites and it should be one of yours too.

It is primarily Sativa, about 80%, so it will give you a very awake, and stimulated medicated experience. I personally love to use this when I get creative and write, or make a podcast.

I recommend you do the same. Also, I wanted to give a shout out to Sensible Tacoma, and Sensible Washington, they're working hard for you to fight for your rights, and you can help out by getting in touch with them.

This strain has a very lemony and piney scent, which tells me that the turpenes involved are Limonene and Mycene, these are excellent for managing spasticity due to MS, or Asthma, however for asthmatics I recommend using a vaporizer of high quality at approximately 415 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal vaporizing.

Also, when smoked the scents and flavors given off include that of aromatic lavender and peppery spice.
This strain is also amazing for controlling pain, and inducing a healthy appetite. Wonderful at controlling nausea as well. I highly recommend you pick some up while you can.

Thanks for visiting the Polymatheism Blog, and check out the Polymatheism Podcast on



Did you know?

Cannabis has been used for over 12000 years of human history, the most recent anthropological and archeological evidence shows.

Humans, since the dawn of history have been evolving alongside this plant, which is just another form of life, in a symbiotic relationship.

This is completely evident when one examines the endocrine system and its counterpart the endocannabinoid system. Our bodies have grown alongside the Cannabis plant over the millennia and humans have been using Cannabis since the dawn of time.

These Cannabinoids, produced by the body, simulate some of the effects regulated by Cannabis, and other Cannabinoids, only produced by Cannabis, are essential for regulating key mood elements.

Thus, the Cannabis plant is crucial in human development, and evidence shows that there are several symptoms of a variety of conditions that are improved by regular Cannabis use.

Including: Wasting and Chronic Nausea caused by medications like Chemotherapy and HIV/AIDS medication. Also, the symptoms of spasticity from Multiple Sclerosis and Asthma are greatly reduced, if not eliminated by frequent high dose CBD intake. CBD, Cannabidiol, is the second commonly known medically relevant Cannabinoid produced by Cannabis.

CBD has an affinity for the CB2 receptors throughout the body, and has properties of an anti-inflammatory response, analgesic (pain killing), and anti-emetic (anti-nausea), just to name a few.

Also, there is no known solution of synthetically derived CBD, currently the only drug on the market that has CBD is naturally derived from the Cannabis plant, in equal parts with THC, it is called Sativex, it is only sold in the UK at this time, and it could greatly help the medical Cannabis users in the US, however, because of the Federal Controlled Substances Act, it remains that Marijuana and any substance derived from it, is illegal as a Schedule I drug, which has "No known medical use or benefit."

This is simply untrue, and the first step is to reclassify Cannabis as a Schedule III drug, and allow it to be legally prescribed on a Federal level. This solution is completely in line with the current trend of Medical Cannabis' increased acceptance.

At the time of this publication, 16 States have legalized the medical use of Cannabis. That is almost a third of the entire population of the United States of America, and with this level of acceptance, it should be Federally legal for patients to get safe access to their medicine, and stop the prosecution of sick people, who simply need an alternative to the "Big Pharma" Industrial Complex.

If you would like to get involved, you can e-mail me at or, and I can tell you more. Or you can contact your local Senator or Representative, and tell them that you want Cannabis to be reclassified as a Schedule III drug, and allow sick people the safe access and protection from prosecution that they deserve.

Thank you,
-Frank Colletti

Quo Bono? (Who benefits?)

In ancient rome, the Senators and Judges would ask one simple question when any crime was committed. Quo Bono? Who benefits, or who stands to gain from the crime?

It seems strange to me that more Americans don't ask this simple question about 9/11.

Who stands to gain? Who benefits the most? Was it Al-Qaeda? Osama Bin Laden? The Taliban? No, it wasn't any of these terrorists.

Who benefits? Larry Silverstein, leaseholder on the World Trade Center. Just before 9/11, Larry Silverstein, purchased a 99-year lease on the WTC properties, for the amount of $3.2 Billion U.S.

This lease, included a special insurance policy, worth $3.5 Billion dollars, that SPECIFICALLY covered Acts of Terrorism. That seems pretty convenient, doesn't it?

However, did the American people stand up and declare "That man is a criminal?" No! And I, for one, am outraged. It seems so simple, when you examine the evidence, that plainly, the United States government, collaborated with Mr. Silverstein to demolish his buildings in a very public, and horrific manner, to simply pass the USA PATRIOT Act, and remove our rights and suspend our liberties granted us by the Constitution.

This subterfuge was a collaborated effort that actually spanned several years of previous administrations, including Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and Bush Sr.

Anyone who takes the time to read the 9/11 Commission Report, in it's entirety, will be shocked when they discover the "full story" that our government is trying to sell the American people.

It is an abomination to Liberty and the American way of life, and we must take a stand and order impeachment proceedings for all the parties in the Bush administration and prior administrations that had direct knowledge of the plans to attack the World Trade Center. The evidence of which, leads directly to several key individuals in the Bush cabinet, including Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and Colin Powell.

It is ridiculous and ludicrous for people to stand idly by, while our government stages a coup for political power and world domination, by usurping our freedoms, and removing the element of security from our way of life.

Justice is imperative in seeking retribution, and putting to rest the air of uncertainty left in this country after 9/11. Many still believe the official story, that 19 hijackers were able to subvert the entire FAA, Flight Attendants, and NORAD, in able to hijack and attack the WTC and the Pentagon, and that coincidentally, all the planes used were at only 20% occupancy due to an "error" in the computer systems.

This is also a highly controversial, and unpublicized fact about the entire 9/11 situation, that Dick Cheney, took control of NORAD on the morning of 9/11, and ordered them to stand down, for the FIRST time in NORAD's 56 year history.

Why isn't this fact published? Why aren't journalists and congressmen calling for the impeachment and criminal prosecution of Dick Cheney, with Conspiracy to commit an act of Terrorism?

I will tell you why, because the Bush administration issued a gag order against the media, and they threatened Federal prosecution under National Security, to any Federal employee, or military employee who divulged information about 9/11.

This is even documented.

We should also discuss Building 7, the one 300 feet north of Tower 1, that caught fire from falling debris, which set fire to some fuel tanks, and that fire cause the building to collapse in on itself almost perfectly, as though demolished by controlled explosives.

Why is it that no one in the media ever asked the key questions about this building? Who were the occupants of the building, and who stood to gain from its destruction?

Simply put, the main occupants of the building were the CIA, FBI, SEC, and Federal Prosecutors, along with storage for about 4000 files the SEC was using to prosecute Wall Street criminals.

Who stood to gain from its destruction? Well, Larry Silverstein is first and foremost, because with the buildings all destroyed due to an "Act of Terrorism" rather than controlled demolition, he collected a $3.5 billion dollar insurance payout.

Sounds like a nice investment to me. Let me see, he signed a lease, with which I'm sure the actual assets used to purchase the property came nowhere near $3 billion. Then a few months later, some "Terrorists" attack the buildings, they go down without really disturbing the neighboring buildings at all, and he nicely, cleanly, collects a profit and stands to build new buildings, which I'm sure he will gain even more profit from in the long run.

So really, tell me this, does it really make sense that the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden would need to make such an attack on the United States, because of their hatred for our way of life, which really this attack didn't do anything to our country directly except kill nearly 3,000 citizens. The actions of the Bush administration in the days after 9/11 are what has done the most damage.

Literally, the USA PATRIOT act is the most advanced, well thought, attack on our Liberties in the 235 years as a country. It was never conceived by the Founding Fathers that government should be able to have the capacity to have utter control and authority over it's citizens. Literally, the establishment of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, were done to protect the Liberty and Rights of every American.

The USA PATRIOT Act, passed in October of 2001 by President George W. Bush, was the most significant assault on American Freedom, and the biggest push for Tyrannical Dictatorship, ever perpetrated on the United States.

This act, along with it's sequel, the PATRIOT Act 2, have violated rights, violated the constitution, and ruined the freedoms and lives of all Americans. Many cities have outright rejected the PATRIOT Act, and luckily, it expires on May 29, 2011, even though Congress extended it by 90 days.

However, the threat is not yet done. We still have an assault on our Freedoms and Rights, and that assault is coming very soon. I'm sure that the Osama Bin Laden death, is simply more subterfuge to cover something else looming or already passed. I'm not sure what it is, but you wait and see. It will be something huge too. I'm not sure if they will simply start Martial Law, or if they will allow something else to happen, and it will be because of Osama Bin Laden's death, that the American people will just accept it; hook, line, and sinker.

I stand for our Liberty, and I think that we should all do the same. Please do not vote with Party politics in mind. Do your research, and find out how the political candidates stack up against one another, and find out about their voting records. There you can find the truth about how they feel, and who is controlling them.

Follow the money, it will lead to the source of corruption. As it simply goes, Quo Bono? Who Stands to Gain?

We need to create a new 9/11 Commission, formed by The People, consisting of bi-partisan members of the Congress, and civilians. Because that is the most important part, our government needs to have accountability to the rest of us, and it just isn't there.

If you agree with me, please tweet this blog, and tell your friends about the truth. You can find out more information by searching the web about anything I talk about. There is well documented evidence, both by the media, and within governmental websites, that plainly expose the lies for what they are.

It's up to each and every one of us to demand to our Congressmen and Senators that we want the truth. We want to see someone come to Justice for the crimes perpetrated on September 11, 2001. With the 10 year anniversary coming, isn't now the right time?

Thank you,

--Frank Colletti

Fighting the InfoWar against Disinformation in the Establishment.

I've been doing quite a bit of research and reading lately. Because I use medical Cannabis, and I've had my life greatly improved since receiving my Authorization to engage in the Medical use of Cannabis. I have found quite a bit of information on the internet, and it seems that most of it is misleading. I would like to clarify this for my readers, and show exactly what is fact and what is lies.

First, I'd like to start by showing some information about Cannabis use in teens, and the connection it has in States that have passed medical Cannabis laws.

"(adolescent marijuana use in medical marijuana states) "Indeed, all 11 states that have passed medical marijuana laws ranked above the national average in the percentage of persons 12 or older reporting past-month use of marijuana in 1999, as shown in Table 2. It is at least possible, however, that this analysis confuses cause with effect. It is logical to assume that the states with the highest prevalence of marijuana usage would be more likely to approve medical marijuana programs, because the populations of those states would be more knowledgeable of marijuana’s effects and more tolerant of its use.

"It is also the case that California, the state with the largest and longest-running medical marijuana program, ranked 34th in the percentage of persons age 12-17 reporting marijuana use in the past month during the period 2002-2003, as shown in Table 1. In fact, between 1999 and 2002-2003, of the 10 states with active medical marijuana programs, five states (AK, HI, ME, MT, VT) rose in the state rankings of past-month marijuana use by 12- to 17-year-olds and five states fell (CA, CO, NV, OR, WA).111 Of the five states that had approved medical marijuana laws before 1999 (AK, AZ, CA, OR, WA), only Alaska’s ranking rose between 1999 and 2002-2003, from 7th to 4th, with 11.08% of youth reporting past-month marijuana use in 2002-2003 compared with 10.4% in 1999. No clear patterns are apparent in the state-level data. Clearly, more important factors are at work in determining a state’s prevalence of recreational marijuana use than whether the state has a medical marijuana program."
Eddy, Mark, "Medical Marijuana: Review and Analysis of Federal and State Policies," Congressional Research Service (Washington, DC: March 31, 2009), p. 32.

It's important to point out, that this source is well balanced, showing the data as it relates to the facts, and not opinion. It's pointed out, that while the States with Medical Marijuana laws, some have higher rates of recreational Cannabis use, however some do not. This shows, that while the use of Cannabis in minors between 12 and 17 are higher in the States with Medical Marijuana laws, it may simply be due to the fact that the constituents of those States may just have more experience with Cannabis, which resulted in them passing Medical Marijuana laws.

This is an important fact that is basically lost in translation once portrayed by the general media. It is mostly pointed out that Medical Marijuana CAUSES recreational use in minors. Another point that is mostly lost, that Medical users have very little to do with the minors using Marijuana for recreation, and who does have everything to do with their illegal use? Their parents.

That's right, I would like to raise a call-to-arms for everyone that doesn't have a child, to stand up for our rights to provide medicine to the sick, and stop legislating away behavior that the parents think will "Put my children at risk."

I'm tired of being at risk of arrest, because I need this very important, lifesaving medicine, all so that some parents can feel like they're safe in protecting their children. The problem isn't Marijuana, the problem is people who don't spend enough time with their kids, and then the kids end up getting involved with bad influences, like other kids that have no parenting discipline, and they end up trying all sorts of drugs, because drug dealers don't ID.

However, here is where the "War on Drugs" is a complete lie and a failure. If the parents really wanted to protect their children, they would simply legalize Cannabis, so that it could be Controlled, Taxed, and Regulated. Then, there would be much less of it on the streets. Medical patients themselves already keep their Cannabis to themselves, and in fact, they commit no crimes in growing their own medicine and sharing it with other patients.

The only criminal activity involving Marijuana these days, is when it is trafficked in with the intent of being sold on the Black Market, and this is done by a criminal element with the intent of profiting off your children and others who want to use this medicine for themselves. That is where legalization ultimately protects you and your children.

There are several wars going on in the world right now, and one is being fought right here on the home front, against each and every one of us. It is a war of the mind, and on our rights and liberties. This war is called "The War on Drugs" and this war is really just a Ponzi scheme to protect the profits of companies like Eli-Lilly, Watson, and Roxy Pharmaceuticals. Along with Big Agro, like Monsanto.

There is a huge war of disinformation as well. I found this quote on the website Above the Influence.


Marijuana Facts
(Pot, Weed)

What is It?
Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant. Marijuana has a chemical in it called tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC. All forms of marijuana are mind-altering (psychoactive). In other words, they change how the brain works. A lot of other chemicals are found in marijuana, too — about 400 of them, some of which are carcinogenic.46 Marijuana is addictive with more teens in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined.47Using marijuana can also lead to disturbed perceptions and thoughts, and marijuana use can worsen psychotic symptoms in people who have schizophrenia.48
Additionally, there are higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking among people who use marijuana when compared to people who don't use.49Teens who started using marijuana before age 15 are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression in early adulthood.50 A new study shows that smoking marijuana is associated with a 40% increase risk of psychosis, and 
Impaired judgment and motor coordination / Shortened attention span and distractibility / Anxiety and panic attacks /Increased heart rate / Increased risk of heart attack / Increased risk for schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals / Impaired judgment / Problems with memory and learning / Lowered motivation / Decreased alertness and coordination / Addiction / Withdrawal symptoms from stopping drug use (in a chronic user): irritability, sleeplessness, anxiety, impaired appetite, and aggression."
This kind of disinformation is rampant within our Federal Government, and our school system. It is systematically engineered to make people sick, and make them fear Cannabis. Cannabis doesn't have any of these effects and in fact, some of them are the exact opposite of the effects of Cannabis, let's start at the end and work our way back in examining these lies.
"Irritability, Sleeplessness, anxiety, impaired appetite, and aggression" Okay, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie... This is just plain wrong. Lets start with aggression. Are you kidding me? Normally, I refrain from using stereotypes to describe people, however in this case it makes a good point. Have you ever seen a stoner who just got high? Aggression is about as far from the truth as possible. Most people, when medicated don't have the force of will to be aggressive, let alone the fact that Marijuana's abilities to calm and relax are second to none.
Impaired Appetite? Are you JOKING? First of all, anyone who has read my blog or listened to the podcast knows, that my condition is that of Gastroparesis, a paralysis of the gastric nerves and smooth muscle in the bowels. Literally, my digestive emptying half-time is 24 times normal, so what it takes you and hour and a half to eat, it takes me a day and half.
I use medical Cannabis to control my nausea, vomiting, and APPETITE. Plain and simple, if it weren't for Marijuana, I wouldn't be able to eat.
Irritability, sleeplessness, and anxiety are three conditions that all relate to the level of stress, pain, and mental unrest that a person has. Usually, all three of these conditions are met with great resistance by the effects of Cannabidiol, a medically potent Cannabinoid that is constituent in Marijuana. This Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is so medically potent that it is given to patients suffering from a wide array of disorders including: Multiple-Sclerosis, Anxiety, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), Heart Conditions, Diabetes, Glaucoma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Migraines, Nausea and Wasting Caused by Chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS, and more.
Impaired Judgement and/or motor co-ordination. This one I don't believe has been disproven in it's entirety, however I know anecdotally that it is false, because I notice that I myself do not lose motor co-ordination, unless I've medicated way beyond that which is necessary. My judgement is my own, and I don't think anyone could tell me that it is suspect or impaired, unless I was drunk or knocked nearly unconcious.
Shortened attention span and/or distractibility, this actually depends on the person. Because I've found that I myself gain focus and attentiveness while medicated, however some others have reported feeling "spacy" or "out of it." However, this is really just matter of the person's tolerance and moderation. See, I can choose to smoke all of my weed in one sitting, or I can moderate it out miserly, and get medicated a bunch of times on the same amount.
This is another point that none of the websites or organizations that advocate prohibition will admit, or even address. The fact is, that there is a small percentage of people who will become addicted to anything, given the opportunity to do so. This is where the prohibition model fails. Because prohibition, comes with it, a stigma and an ostricizing, that makes the person that becomes addicted, even more so and more problematic.
Because of the risk of incarceration, many who actually do need help, do not get it. They fear the repercussions of seeking treatment, and being forever judged because of it. Another misrepresentation highly purported by the establishment, and so-called "Authorities" in drug and alcohol awareness and abstinence programs, is the concept of making you "un-motivated." This is simply untrue, Marijuana doesn't make anyone any more un-motivated than drinking a beer. Even less so. 
This is just outright lies and manipulation, because the truth is, Marijuana actually motivates most people. Significantly so. It motivates people in a creative fashion. Several authors, musicians, and poets have cited Marijuana as being a source of great creativity, empathy, and MOTIVATION.
Also, you'll find that most people who use Cannabis daily, or at least regularly, are more politically aware, more educated (formally or self), and are more empathetic to the blights of humanity. This is all due to the capability of the plant to produce an empathic response in the individual. Most people who use Cannabis have a higher intolerance to injustice, and suffering, which is why they stand up for their rights and become politically active.
Lastly, on the subject of motivation, it is quite common for those of us who use Cannabis regularly, to not wish to be without Cannabis. Due to the fact that Cannabis isn't free, even when you grow it yourself, we have to work very hard to provide for our needs and our families. In fact, because Marijuana isn't covered by insurance companies, I have to pay a lot more for my medicine than the average individual benefiting from Premera or Regence.
I also wanted to point out, that the paragraph of lies above, mentions that marijuana contains "chemicals" that are carcinogenic. Here are the facts: Cannabis, contains no chemicals, other than the chemicals naturally produced by the plant itself, these are called Cannabinoids, Turpenes and Flavanoids. These chemicals are simply the mechanisms by which the plant produces it's aroma, flavor, and it's medical properties.
All Cannabinoids have receptivity in the human body, located in Cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. Cannabinoid receptors come in two varieties, CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are primarily located in the brain, and CB2 receptors, while they are in the brain, and more vastly located throughout the body.
The difference between the affinity Cannabinoids have for these two receptors is the key reason why Cannabis as a natural plant is an effective medicine, while the synthetic attempt to copy THC, known as Dronabinol, is simply ineffective. Dronabinol (known as trade name Marinol in the US.), is a synthetically derived analog of the molecule Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannibinol, better known as THC. This drug, while it can be derived from Cannabis plant's extracts, is more commonly synthesized from it's constituent elements.
While this may be mildly effective in controlling nausea, and somewhat has an effect on the brain, psychoactivity, it is strongly ineffective for the vast array of other symptoms and conditions that Cannabis is EFFECTIVE at treating. This is due to the affinity the various Cannabinoids have for the different receptors in the brain.
THC, whether naturally or synthetically derived, binds to the CB1 receptor, which is primarily concentrated in the brain. The vast majority of medical benefits from the Cannabis plant, come from the 60+ other Cannabinoids, that have a common affinity for the CB2 receptors located throughout approximately 90% of the tissues in the human body.
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is another Cannabinoid that is medically potent, and currently under study in several parts of the world. CBD is associated with Marijuana's anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain management) responses. CBD, and several other key Cannabinoids, have a high affinity for binding to the CB2 receptors, and this is key in Cannabis' efficacy in medical treatment.
There is currently an accepted and marketed drug in the UK that is sold under the brand name Sativex which is naturally derived from actual Cannabis, and contains chemically pure THC and CBD, in equal parts. It is currently under mass trials now that it is publicly available for prescription in the UK. I look forward to seeing results on a large scale, however I already have several predictions about them. Namely, that they will find high efficacy, with ZERO harmful or deleterious side-effects. Simply put, Cannabis is non-toxic and non-harmfufl. 
This fact is key, and is currently under investigation under a larger scale, but has been studied in the past. In New Zealand a study was done (, that showed Cannabis smokers had an increased risk of lung cancer, however the data showed conflicting results. It was also pointed out that the methods by which people were smoking (i.e., smoking without a filter, to a smaller butt size, with deeper inhalation, and a tendency to hold the smoke in for longer) all added to the increase in risk. However, it is important to point out, that other research has shown that Cannabis, and it's Cannabinoid constituents have an ANTI-CARCINOGENIC effect, when administered through non-smoked routes.
It is important to also point out, that there is very little chance to control for subjects that use only Cannabis smoke, throughout their entire lives, that have never smoked tobacco cigarettes. This is a key problem in finding reliable data, that would put to bed the myth that Cannabis is "carcinogenic."
The final point of misinformation I would like to address is the level of teens in counselling or drug rehabilitation for "Marijuana Addiction." Namely, this fact is over-inflated by mandatory drug rehabilitation for all minors that are busted for possession. In fact, in most States, when you're arrested or charged for Marijuana Possession, as a part of your sentence, or probation, you will be required to take part in a Drug Treatment or Rehabilitation program. Along with mandatory involvement in the Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous organizations. Which these organizations border on religious, which nearly violates the separation of Church and State, mandated by the Constitution in the Bill of Rights.
This is just another set of reasons why the establishment fights so hard, using every dirty trick in the book, to dissuade the American people from making an informed decision on the facts.
These are all documented, I'm not just making this stuff up. There have literally been hundreds of studies (mostly not in the US, because of its strict Federal guidelines about Cannabis) that have proven time and again that Cannabis has medical uses, and that it is so medically advantageous that it substitutes entirely for a wide range of pharmaceutical compounds.
This is the real reason why the establishment fights so hard to keep Cannabis illegal. Because it threatens the profits of the Big Pharmaceutical ("Sick Care") Industrial Complex. This is why we as citizens must stand up and assert our rights. Tell your Congressmen or Senator that you want to see Cannabis legal in your State.
This will be the biggest issue that we as a country have to face in the next 10 years, and we must get it done, or we will begin to see more and more problems in defending our liberties, because they will be taken away by this administration, especially if Obama is re-elected. I personally am not a Democrat or Republican. I would consider myself a Libertarian, as I agree with the TEA party and their stance on defending the Constitution and re-claiming the Bill of Rights.
I myself look forward to seeing Ron Paul in the upcoming presidential election, and even if he's on the GOP ticket, I will be voting for him. However, I have talked about this before, and I believe we need to abolish the political party system. Start simply making candidates post all of the philosophies, principals and voting records on their websites, and it will be up to the people to investigate the candidates for themselves.
Finally, I would like to point out that on a State level, we all have the right to assert our Sovereignty, and tell the Federal Government to stay out of States matters. If we want to grow weed in our State, sell weed in our State, and TAX weed in our State. It is our RIGHT to do so, and without threat from prosecution by the Federal Authorities.
It is very important that we stand together on this issue, and we must fight to protect our Liberty, Freedom, and our Way of Life. All of which, I love more than almost anything next to my wife and family. I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this, and listen to me on my podcast by clicking Polymatheism Special (5/5/2011).
--Frank Colletti (under construction)

Happy Mothers Day

I would just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone that's a mother, a happy Mothers Day. I was actually born on Mothers Day, as my mom tells me, and so I always wish every mother I see a great one.

This time, I have a national platform with which to tell everyone this, and I am thankful for my mother Sharon. Also, for my sisters and my wife, and everyone else out there who has a child, because it is the MOST important job, next to being a father, and the more of you out there that do a great job at it, should all be thanked and compensated for it.

So if you aren't a mom, then you need to call yours if you can, or tell any other mom that you see, that you're thankful for them, and wish them a great Mothers Day.

This day is so important, that we all should remember our mothers, and if you can, give them a great big hug.

It's the first thing I did this morning, go and hug my mom. I'm so grateful that I can, and if you can too, please don't forget that, and go see her or give her a call right now, while you still can.

Shout out too, to all my friends down at Tacoma Cross, thanks for a great experience as always.

If you're in the Tacoma area, you can get a membership for free, if you have an authorization for Medical Cannabis, visit for details.

Help me (and you) win a Drobo.

This is the e-mail I received, after entering a contest to win 100 Drobos. My idea, plain and simply put, is just Polymatheism. I'd like to promote this philosophy, and even write a book.

So please, help me win a Drobo, and you could possibly win one too.

"""""Quoted from the e-mail """""""

Dear Frank,

Thank for submitting your idea for 100 Drobos!

Only three more things left to do...

Your code is 537244.
Tweet this, post it to your Facebook page, tell your friends & family. Every person who votes for your idea (by emailing your code to or voting at helps you win and is eligible for our daily drawing for a free Drobo! (If we pick them, we’ll also tweet about your idea, giving you extra publicity).
Bookmark and check back frequently to see all the entries. Feel free to submit more than once!
Did we mention that you should publicize your code to your friends? We pick one voter per day, so your (and their) chances are even better if you have new folks voting every day.
Thanks again, and more soon!

The Drobo Team

P.S. Here are a couple of other links that provide a quick overview of Drobo:

What is a Drobo:
Cali Lewis explains

Data Robotics
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Santa Clara, CA 95054

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Happy Mothers Day!


The College Conspiracy -- Movie

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for reading, listening, and tweeting. It's wonderful to have an opportunity to share in the minds of so many fantastic people all over.

I wanted to share this e-mail I got from a mailing list I subscribe to, called the National Inflation Association, located at

This e-mail discusses the current socio-economic conspiracy of the College Educational Industrial Complex and their conspiracy to control hard working Americans through debt.


America's College Bubble Next to Burst

The National Inflation Association (NIA) is pleased to officially announce that it will soon be releasing its hour long documentary 'College Conspiracy', which will expose the U.S. college education system as the largest scam in U.S. history. NIA has been producing 'College Conspiracy' for the past six months and plans to release the movie on May 15th. NIA members will be given the first opportunity to watch this must see documentary, which we hope will change the college education industry for the better.

NIA expects 'College Conspiracy' to take college education by storm and expose the facts and truth about tuition inflation to prospective college students. Almost everybody applying to college has heard the oft-repeated statistic that Americans with college degrees earn $1 million more in lifetime income than high school graduates without a degree. This is one of those statistics that gets repeated so many times that just about everybody accepts it as fact, but nobody actually does the research to confirm whether or not it is true. 'College Conspiracy' will prove once and for all if indeed this so-called statistic is true or just a myth.

If 70.1% of high school graduates enroll in a college or university, how does a college degree give you an advantage over the rest of the population? Back in the early 1960s, Americans didn't need to go to college. We were a creditor nation with a strong manufacturing base. With an unemployment rate of only 5%, jobs were available to almost everybody. Less than 50% of American high school graduates enrolled into college. For those who did attend college and graduate with a degree, it was actually something special that made you stand out from the rest of the field, because not everybody had one.

American college tuition inflation has been out of control for the past decade. During the financial crisis of late-2008/early-2009, almost all goods and services in America at least temporarily declined in price. The only service in America that continued to rise in price throughout the financial crisis, besides health care, was college education. Despite real unemployment in America reaching 22%, students were brainwashed into believing that if they were lucky enough to be blessed with the privilege to get half a million dollars into debt to obtain a college degree, they will be on a path to riches and have a guaranteed successful career; whereas those who don't attend college are destined to be failures in life.

The current college education bubble is one of the largest bubbles in U.S. history. The college bubble has been fueled by the U.S. government's willingness to give out cheap and easy student loans to anybody who applied for them, regardless of if they will ever have the ability to pay the loans back. Student loan debt in America is now larger than credit card debt, but unlike credit card debt, student loan debt can't be discharged in bankruptcy.

During the 1970s, college students were able to afford their own college tuition without getting into any debt, simply by working a part-time job year round or by working a full-time job during the summer. Not only that, but most college students were also able to afford their own car and a small apartment. However, since 1970, Americans have experienced a 50% decline in their standard of living due to the Federal Reserve's dangerous and destructive monetary policies. You never heard of parents setting up college savings accounts for their children 40 years ago, but thanks to the Federal Reserve, this has become the norm.

The biggest competitive threat to Wal-Mart today in terms of market cap ($192 billion) is not Target ($35 billion) like you might think, but is actually ($89 billion). Wal-Mart is able to offer the lowest prices out of all brick and mortar retailers, because of the size and scope of the company, which allows them to be profitable even at extremely low gross margins. However, while Wal-Mart's stock price is only up 16% from where it was exactly 5 years ago,'s stock price is up 470% during this same time period.'s stock price has risen by a 29 times higher percentage than Wal-Mart due to the fact that they sell their products over the Internet with substantially less overhead costs. NIA believes that the future of college education is over the Internet and that Americans in the future will be able to receive a better quality education from the best professors from all around the world at only a fraction of the cost of a traditional brick and mortar college education.

For the vast majority of college courses, there is absolutely nothing that students can learn in a huge multi-million dollar lecture hall with hundreds of other students that they can't learn at home listening to that same professor on a computer. The only reason online colleges haven't taken off yet in America and still have less than a 1% market share of U.S. higher education is because America has a college-industrial complex that cares only about profits and not educating students. The people who control the system simply don't want the system to change, because they are making way too much money by turning American students into indentured servants.

Back in the 1980s when Americans graduated high school, they would get hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to buy a house. Today, millions of Americans have mortgage-sized debts, but still live with their parents. All they have is a piece of paper called a college degree, that is rapidly declining in value even faster than tuitions are skyrocketing in price.

'College Conspiracy' was made possible by the personal stories that were submitted to us by thousands of NIA members. NIA's staff spent the past six months traveling across the country, interviewing our country's top expert guests in nine different states. Please tell all of you family members and friends to become members of NIA for free immediately at so that they along with you can be among the first to see 'College Conspiracy'.

This message was sent to from:
National Inflation Association | 96 Linwood Plaza #172 | Fort Lee, NJ 07024
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Senate currently meeting about a new bill.

So here we go again. The legislature is meeting right now to finish up their session about the budget crisis here in Washington State.

Right now, they are considering proposing a new bill that would legalise patient networks and co-ops under Washington State law, allowing them to operate on a non-profit basis, which would be regulated by the State, County, and Local officials.

This would be great clarity to the murky medical Cannabis laws in Washington, under the law that Governor Gregoire signed last week, these co-ops would be able to grow the Cannabis on-site as a Community Garden, subject to those limitations. This would allow them to stay within the State's guidlines and jurisdiction, thwarting the efforts of Federal Prosecutors.

This bill, however, is not perfect. It is still calling for the registration of all patients State-wide, and calls for even the co-op owners to register if they want protection under the new law.

The question is, is this the best way to approach the problem of patient arrests? I think not. I think that we could solve two problems at once, if we were to legalize Cannabis completely, and develop a model for selling it for-profit, and taxably.

The current budget crisis in Olympia is pressing hard on our teachers, and other State worker's, who have to deal with sacrifice and thrift, to get by on the supplies and funding they have.

This critical time, which is so chaotic, could be remedied with some swift legislation by our State lawmakers. This move, while bold, is just the thing needed to end the "Reefer Madness" epidemic that is still quite prominent in the U.S.

I, for one, would love to see Washington take the lead at the reins, and show the rest of the States, and the Federal Government, that there is a rational solution to the "War on Drugs" and it's called ending prohibition.

We are ready for this change, a recent poll showed that 1 out of 2 residents in the State of Washington over the age of 25 has tried Cannabis. Along with a percentage of these that are everyday, or frequent users; or medically authorized patients. Of which, in Washington State, there is an estimated half a million.


Dad gives toddler battling cancer medical Cannabis

This is such a completely tragic, and hopeful, story that could be promoted here, so I decided to bring some light to it.

On the homepage for Polymatheism, located at  Please, go check it out, and show your support for little Cashy Hyde and his parents.

They have a need and a RIGHT to access the medicine that has saved Cashy's life.

Here we are in 2011, and the stigma of Reefer Madness is still rampant.

We currently spend more money every year eradicating "Marijuana" all over the United States, than we spend on eradicating Crystal Meth.

This is ridiculous, and completely irrational.

Let's get over this stigma, and let's finally let the Truth be revealed and reign supreme.

The law of this land should reflect the will of The People, and that will is being violated. Right now, 1 out of every 2 Americans over the age of 25 have tried Cannabis, and at least 1 out of every 4 has used it within the last month.

These are just the numbers of people willing to admit that to a surveyor.This can tell us, with assuredness, that these numbers are completely underestimated.

Another reason why it is so important that we legalize Cannabis, both on a State, and Federal level, is that our Economy is in a state of failure and duress right now, and we desperately need to revitalize it. We could do so with a completely new, and legal revenue stream, by legalizing Cannabis and Taxing and Regulating it. Simply put, the State's have the right to pass laws governing traffic within their own borders, and so long as the Cannabis is grown, taxed, and sold here, it cannot be Federally regulated.

The beauty of this, is the revenue is completely State relevant, therefore it will stay in the State coffers, and not go to the Federal Government. We have the rights to do this under the ninth and tenth Amendments to the US Constitution.

This would, very effectively, solve a lot of problems that we suffer on a State level, and would be a dynamic move for our State. It would allow us to set an example for the rest of the Country, and we can use this movement to bring around an economic boom.

The time for this is now! We must all get involved, call your State legislators right now. Here is a link to the State government website where you can get the information for your district.

Thank you, and please check out the video for this story about Cashy and his parents in Montana, they have a right to treat their son, and he has been blessed by the spirit of Cannabis.

Yes We Cannabis!

If you were there, then you know already, that Tacoma dispensaries were given temporary reprieval from closing.

City Council gave them until July 25th, so just under 90 days. They will not yet be forced to close, pending tbe current legislative session in Olympia.

Please do what you can to help us with this, we are currently collecting signatures at Tacoma Cross and elsewhere, for I-1149 to legalize Cannabis in Washington for individuals over 18, and medically for anyone with a recommendation.

You can also make a huge difference by contacting our State legislators and telling them your opinion that Cannabis should be legal.

Also, never forget that our State has the right, under the tenth Amendment to the US Constitution, to make and enforce any laws governing activity and/or trade that originate and stay in the State.

Sovereignty is of the utmost importance, don't let the Federal Government come and trounce upon our freedoms and rights.


Letter to Governor Gregoire

Letter to Governor Chris Gregoire


Dear Governor Gregoire,

My name is Frank Colletti, and I am a constituent and resident of this magnificent State of Washington. I am 28 years old, and a registered voter in my district of the City of Tacoma, and Pierce County. I am also a LEGAL medical Cannabis patient, authorized by an ARNP as compliant with RCW 69.51A.

I, like many others, are currently at great jeopardy due to your actions in the line-item veto of Senate Bill 5073. Specifically, your veto of the items that would have created a legal dispensary model and framework to operate licensed under the Departments of Agriculture and Health.

By vetoing these items, and leaving in the item pertaining to Designated Providers only being allowed to change patients once every 15 days, you have in one fell-swoop outlawed, criminalized, and closed ALL of the dispensaries, co-operatives, and patient networks in the State. By which, you have put the health, safety, and livelihood of approximately 371,000 or more of your State’s residents in turpitude and loss.

I, and many others, will not take this threat lightly, or sitting down. I have been quite vociferous in the very short matter of time since this bill passed as law, and have already bolstered support numbering in the two to three thousand area, (note: not me personally, but this cause and our organizations that I personally am a member.)

I can tell you now, that I personally am a very active part of our government, and I will use all of my connections in activism and volunteering, as well as my personal website, blog, and podcast. With which, I intend to usurp your seat in power within the most important position in our great State, by means of which are most important and critical to you and those seeking your position. Votes and constituency support.

Beware, because that seat is a privilege that is bestowed upon you by the grace of our wonderful and conscientious voters, and there are close to a half a million of us here in Washington alone, that are directly affected by your decisions and actions this past week.

We can, and WILL displace you from your position if you do not change this horrendous measure you’ve taken, and for what? I ask you, why did you make this law? The bill was drafted almost perfectly, and would have improved the rights, lives, and quality of care for the patients directly affected by it, and ultimately a higher standard of living for all Washingtonians.

Why would you take the spirit of that tremendous bill and horrendously, viciously, and maliciously turncoat the meaning on us? I can’t believe that you, as a lawmaker and enforcer, would not have been able to foresee the consequences of your vetoes. Could you, honestly and under oath, say that you didn’t realize what would ultimately result from them?

If the answer is yes, then you actually possess less sense and foresight than my four year old niece who can already tell that if one piece moves to intersect with another on the chessboard, that the piece being intercepted will be taken. This is basically reasoning and pattern recognition and I would sincerely hope that this isn’t the case.

However, if this isn’t true, then the alternative is that you knowingly and intentionally closed down the entire medical Cannabis access network throughout the State. By doing so, you have literally thrown hundreds of dispensary owners, their employees, and their thousands of patients on the street and said “Go fend for yourselves as criminals on the Black Market.”

At this time, I would like to address the common misconception that is prevalent about medical Cannabis, and the patients. Simply put, many (if not most) think that the medical Cannabis movement is simply a group of “Hippies and Stoners” that want to get “high” legally. I can tell you, with evidence that is both anecdotal and cited that this is simply wrong.

My anecdotal evidence is my personal illnesses that I treat with medical Cannabis. I am 28 years old, and for the last 18 of them, have been Type-1 Diabetic. Because of this disease, I have suffered through several bouts in the hospital for a number of reasons, and have resulted in several complications including: neuronal degeneration (nerve damage), parasthesias (phantom pains), and most significantly Gastroparesis.

Gastroparesis is the condition in which my stomach, Vagus nerve, and in fact nearly all of the smooth tissue in my bowels are all paralyzed, for lack of a better term. This results in my digestion and subsequent nutritional uptake being slowed to nearly none. This also severely affects my appetite and I suffer from chronic conditions such as: pain, nausea, vomiting, wasting, constipation and more.

Now, these afflictions, all of which are horrific, and any one alone would be enough to make someone unable to work or do much of anything. However, due to my medical Cannabis, this safe, effective, wonderful, natural plant, I am able to live a relatively normal life with a fairly high quality of life, compared to most with my condition.

This is entirely due to the efficacy of the active Cannabinoids, the active molecules in the Cannabis plant, which are regulated throughout the body by a natural system like our hormonal system, called the Endo-Cannabinoid system. This system in the body, any endocrinologist will tell you, regulates some of the most important functions in the body. Including inflammatory response, muscle tension and spasticity, and the Gastric motor system, just to name a few.

There are several active Cannabinoids in the plant, nearly 65 in fact, however two are the main focus of current research, and have been proven time and again in laboratory and blinded, peer-review scientific studies, to have significant medical benefits with little to no risk on the body systems of the patients.

All of the afflictions I suffer from, every one, is relieved with nearly 100% efficacy by this safe, natural, organic medicine. It has been grown by the best of minds, and with the greatest of care and consideration for the inevitable consumer, whether they suffer from Gastroparesis, or Cancer, or HIV/AIDS.

I am absolutely and unequivocally behind this plant, drug, herb, medicine, or whatever you call it. My entire life changed when one kind doctor, named Ali Manning Thomas, MD., finally decided that I was a “qualifying patient” as guided under RCW 69.51A, and he wrote my first “Authorization to Possess, Grow, Transport, Obtain, and Use Marijuana for Medical Purposes.”

By doing so, he freed me from the prison of the pharmaceutically engineered poisons that I was previously dependent upon, known as Reglan (metoclopramide) and Erythromycin. Both of which, I am horribly allergic. I have significantly gained back quality of life.

My thesis, simply put, is that your actions have now put at risk me, and the approximately 400,000 of us medical Cannabis patients in this State. (These statistics are as of 2008, and a study done by I can’t be more clear or concise. You have, with the stroke of your pen, made every one of us a criminal, and turned us into a group criminal enterprise, without regard for the constitution of our State, or this nation. This is also without regard for our current laws and system of regulation for medical Cannabis.

Those of us that are directly affected by this will most certainly make use of our families, friends, and acquaintances; along with the social media and networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, and alternative media such as podcasts and YouTube. We WILL take a stand against you!

We cannot sit idly by, while you forsake our liberties and you pursue this treason and witch hunt on the people of this tremendous, libertarian and democratic State. We The People passed a law nearly thirteen years ago, by Voter-Approved Initiative 695, providing the RIGHT to access our medicine safely, and LEGALLY, and protection from prosecution or harassment by you or your like.

You will feel the cold vengeance and retribution we will reap upon your “tower of power” as Governor, and you will be removed from that and any office you may seek in this State and any closely aligned with it.

I thank you for your time, and urge you to consider the views expressed herein, and please make a change. You have the power to work with our legislature to peacefully, and reasonably resolve this situation, the fault for which is solely your own.

Sincerely yours,

Frank Colletti