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About Polymatheism

Polymatheism - the philosophy derived from being a polymath (Someone who is an expert in nearly everything) and an atheist / agnostic / freethinker. However, even theists benefit from Polymatheism, I don't discriminate.
The philosophy of Polymatheism encourages you to endeavor in understanding. Or, in other words, to pursue knowledge relentlessly. This means examining the facts about a situation or story, and trying to dig deeper into the true objective reality.
However, always with an eye toward the truth. Skepticism is an important tool to the polymatheist, and should always be encouraged. Skepticism, while usually retaining a certain social stigma or taboo, is truly the most valuable tool to someone seeking the truth.
Atheism, comes as a bi-product of learning about science and logic. Once you start learning about the logical fallacies that religious leaders use to control their flock, of sheep, is the same kind of logical breakdown that prevents someone from experiencing the world for what it is, rahter than what they wish it is.
Some examples of Polymatheists throughout history:

Carl Sagan
Richard Feynman
Leonardo Da Vinci
Albert Einstein
Richard Dawkins (although he's somewhat specialized in Biology)
Steven Novella (from the Skeptics Guide to the Universe)
Joe Rogan (as far as I can tell he is an atheist)
Bill Hicks (yes, he did talk a lot about God as though he believed in him, however he was an atheist.)

And several other prominent figures throughout history.

If you know of any other polymatheists not mentioned here, please feel free to e-mail us at polymatheism@gmail.comand include the subject line Polymatheists In History
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