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Dad gives toddler battling cancer medical Cannabis

This is such a completely tragic, and hopeful, story that could be promoted here, so I decided to bring some light to it.

On the homepage for Polymatheism, located at  Please, go check it out, and show your support for little Cashy Hyde and his parents.

They have a need and a RIGHT to access the medicine that has saved Cashy's life.

Here we are in 2011, and the stigma of Reefer Madness is still rampant.

We currently spend more money every year eradicating "Marijuana" all over the United States, than we spend on eradicating Crystal Meth.

This is ridiculous, and completely irrational.

Let's get over this stigma, and let's finally let the Truth be revealed and reign supreme.

The law of this land should reflect the will of The People, and that will is being violated. Right now, 1 out of every 2 Americans over the age of 25 have tried Cannabis, and at least 1 out of every 4 has used it within the last month.

These are just the numbers of people willing to admit that to a surveyor.This can tell us, with assuredness, that these numbers are completely underestimated.

Another reason why it is so important that we legalize Cannabis, both on a State, and Federal level, is that our Economy is in a state of failure and duress right now, and we desperately need to revitalize it. We could do so with a completely new, and legal revenue stream, by legalizing Cannabis and Taxing and Regulating it. Simply put, the State's have the right to pass laws governing traffic within their own borders, and so long as the Cannabis is grown, taxed, and sold here, it cannot be Federally regulated.

The beauty of this, is the revenue is completely State relevant, therefore it will stay in the State coffers, and not go to the Federal Government. We have the rights to do this under the ninth and tenth Amendments to the US Constitution.

This would, very effectively, solve a lot of problems that we suffer on a State level, and would be a dynamic move for our State. It would allow us to set an example for the rest of the Country, and we can use this movement to bring around an economic boom.

The time for this is now! We must all get involved, call your State legislators right now. Here is a link to the State government website where you can get the information for your district.

Thank you, and please check out the video for this story about Cashy and his parents in Montana, they have a right to treat their son, and he has been blessed by the spirit of Cannabis.

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