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Senate currently meeting about a new bill.

So here we go again. The legislature is meeting right now to finish up their session about the budget crisis here in Washington State.

Right now, they are considering proposing a new bill that would legalise patient networks and co-ops under Washington State law, allowing them to operate on a non-profit basis, which would be regulated by the State, County, and Local officials.

This would be great clarity to the murky medical Cannabis laws in Washington, under the law that Governor Gregoire signed last week, these co-ops would be able to grow the Cannabis on-site as a Community Garden, subject to those limitations. This would allow them to stay within the State's guidlines and jurisdiction, thwarting the efforts of Federal Prosecutors.

This bill, however, is not perfect. It is still calling for the registration of all patients State-wide, and calls for even the co-op owners to register if they want protection under the new law.

The question is, is this the best way to approach the problem of patient arrests? I think not. I think that we could solve two problems at once, if we were to legalize Cannabis completely, and develop a model for selling it for-profit, and taxably.

The current budget crisis in Olympia is pressing hard on our teachers, and other State worker's, who have to deal with sacrifice and thrift, to get by on the supplies and funding they have.

This critical time, which is so chaotic, could be remedied with some swift legislation by our State lawmakers. This move, while bold, is just the thing needed to end the "Reefer Madness" epidemic that is still quite prominent in the U.S.

I, for one, would love to see Washington take the lead at the reins, and show the rest of the States, and the Federal Government, that there is a rational solution to the "War on Drugs" and it's called ending prohibition.

We are ready for this change, a recent poll showed that 1 out of 2 residents in the State of Washington over the age of 25 has tried Cannabis. Along with a percentage of these that are everyday, or frequent users; or medically authorized patients. Of which, in Washington State, there is an estimated half a million.

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