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Happy Mothers Day

I would just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone that's a mother, a happy Mothers Day. I was actually born on Mothers Day, as my mom tells me, and so I always wish every mother I see a great one.

This time, I have a national platform with which to tell everyone this, and I am thankful for my mother Sharon. Also, for my sisters and my wife, and everyone else out there who has a child, because it is the MOST important job, next to being a father, and the more of you out there that do a great job at it, should all be thanked and compensated for it.

So if you aren't a mom, then you need to call yours if you can, or tell any other mom that you see, that you're thankful for them, and wish them a great Mothers Day.

This day is so important, that we all should remember our mothers, and if you can, give them a great big hug.

It's the first thing I did this morning, go and hug my mom. I'm so grateful that I can, and if you can too, please don't forget that, and go see her or give her a call right now, while you still can.

Shout out too, to all my friends down at Tacoma Cross, thanks for a great experience as always.

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