The following is an E-mail that I sent to John @ Q13 Fox News.
I wanted to give you a little bit of background information, along with the link to the Rally Event Website on Facebook.
I am a medical Cannabis patient, have been legally authorized for the last 4 years in Washington State. I have been a resident of this state almost my entire life, and I cannot believe our state government could possibly do this to us.
The essence of the situation revolves around Senate Bill 5073, There are several people in the Legislature that attempted to make safer access, and less risk involved for the patients here in the state. In this mindset SB 5073 was constructed. Now, after it has essentially passed in all its forms, with minor revisions throughout, a 27 to 21 majority in the Senate, and a 54 to 43 Majority in the House. Needless to say, the state lawmakers felt that this bill had potential for more good than harm.
However, now that Governor Gregoire has signed the bill, she has essentially manipulated and torn the original meaning beyond comprehension. With her simple stroke of a line-item veto, she has made it impossible for dispensaries to operate legally in the state any longer. This is DISASTROUS. Without safe access to medicine, patients will either be forced to go without, or be forced to deal with Criminal elements to get their medicine. This is just simply wrong, and we cannot stand for it.
Tacoma City Council has issued a Cease and Desist order to all dispensaries located within the City Limits, and from what I understand, several other cities have issued similar letters. This is potentially the most destructive thing that we could do for people who have been getting their medicine LEGALLY, for almost 13 years now.
We CAN do something to stop this however. We can make a stand, and tell the City Officials, that they cannot take this law (which isn't even in effect yet) and use it to discriminate, and incriminate. We must take a stand now. Please join us in our efforts, because this law affects everyone in the State who wishes to see an end to criminal drug-profiteering, and safe, legal, access to medical Cannabis for any who should need it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you will do something to help. Even if you can't make it to the Rally, which WOULD be the best thing, you could still help by promoting the rally, and by telling everyone you know that our government is trying to make Criminals out of SICK PEOPLE.
It is so very important that we get people involved in this, please visit the link to the Facebook page for the event.